RYA Yachtmaster theory online course 


The RYA Yachtmaster online theory course is an advanced theory course which builds upon the knowledge gained on the shorebased Day Skipper course. The course is aimed at sailors and motor boaters who are looking to undertake more complex passages, perhaps offshore or at night. The RYA online Yachtmaster theory course is delivered by Navathome, a RYA Recognised Training Centre specialising in online training.

Students will need to have either a valid RYA Day Skipper theory certificate or a full working knowledge to this level before taking this course.

This is an advanced course in navigation and meteorology for candidates for the RYA Coastal Skipper practical course, Yachtmaster Coastal and Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate/Examinations.









Yachtmaster / Coastal Skipper theory course syllabus


1. Position
  • Dead reckoning and estimated position
  • Satellite-derived position
  • Use of waypoints to fix position
  • Radar fixes
  • Techniques of visual fixing
  • Fixes using a mixture of position lines
  • Relative accuracy of different methods of position fixing
  • Area of uncertainty
2. The magnetic compass
  • Allowance for variation
  • Change of variation with time and position
  • Causes of deviation
  • Swing for deviation (but not correction)
  • Allowance for deviation
  • Different types of compass
3. Tides
  • Causes of tide – Springs and Neaps
  • Tide tables – sources
  • Tidal levels and datum
  • Standard and secondary ports
  • Tide anomalies (Solent, etc.)
4. Tidal Streams
  • Sources of tidal information
  • Tidal stream information in sailing directions and Yachtsmen’s Almanacs
  • Allowance for tidal streams in computing a course to steer
  • Tide rips, overfalls and races
  • Tidal observation buoys, beacons etc.
5. Buoyage
  • IALA system buoyage in Region A
  • Limitations of buoys as navigational aids
6. Lights
  • Characteristics
  • Ranges – visual, luminous and nominal
  • Rising and dipping distances
  • Light lists
7. Pilotage
  • Harbour regulations and control signals
  • Methods of pre-planning
  • Clearing lines
  • Use of soundings
  • Transits and leading lines
8. GPS and chart plotters
  • Principles of operation and limitations of use
  • Raster and vector charts
  • Datum
  • Importance of confirmation of position by an independent source and keeping a separate record of position
  • Importance of paper charts
9. Echo sounders
  • Principles of operation and limitations of use
10. Logs (speed and distance measuring)
  • Principles of operation limitations of use
11. Deck log
  • Importance of log as yacht’s official document
  • Layout of log, hourly and occasional entries
12. Meteorology
  • Basic terms, the Beaufort scale b. Air masses c. Cloud types d. Weather patterns associated with pressure and frontal systems e. Sources of weather forecasts f. Ability to interpret a shipping forecast, weatherfax and weather satellite information g. Land and sea breezes h. Sea fog i. Use of barometer as a forecasting aid
13. Rules of the Road
  • A sound knowledge of the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, except Annexes 1 and 3
14. Safety at Sea
  • Personal safety, use of lifejackets, safety harnesses and lifelines
  • Fire prevention and fire fighting
  • Distress signals
  • Coastguard and Boat Safety Scheme
  • Preparation for heavy weather
  • Liferafts and helicopter rescue
  • Understanding of capabilities of vessel and basic knowledge of stability
15. Navigation in restricted visibility
  • Precautions to be taken in fog
  • Limitations to safe navigation imposed by fog
  • Navigation in poor visibility
16. Passage planning
  • Preparation of charts and notebook for route planning and making, and use at sea
  • Customs regulations as they apply to yachts
  • Routine for navigating in coastal waters
  • Strategy for course laying
  • Use of waypoints and routes
  • Use of weather forecast information for passage planning strategy
  • Sources of local and national regulations





Details on this course

Duration:  Initial duration of 6 months, renewable on request


Required knowledge:    Knowledge at the level RYA Day Skipper shorebased theory


Cost: 399 euro + cost of shipping your course pack (for some countries)


Read all about the Navathome navigation courses


Please note the Navathome Terms & Conditions and GDPR policy for online courses 






Overview of all RYA online courses



RYA Essential Navigation online



Online course for beginning crew members, providing essential knowledge on navigation and seamanship on board



RYA Day Skipper online course


Intermediate online course for competent crew members and beginning skippers, which lays the foundation for safe navigation and seamanship. Recommended for all sailors on tidal and non-tidal waters


RYA Yachtmaster / Coastal Skipper


Advanced online course for skippers of sailing and motor vessels, preparing them for long (day and night) coastal and offshore passages, with lots of emphasis on passage planning, safety and navigation skills



RYA Yachtmaster Ocean online


Worldwide weather systems, celestial navigation and preparation of ocean passages, for those eager to cross the ocean and for professional skippers


Fastrack to RYA Yachtmaster


Advanced online course for skippers of sailing and motor vessels, which combines the Day Skipper and the Yachtmaster theory online courses




RYA PPR online course


Professional Practices and Responsibilities course and exam.

Obtain commercial endorsement to work professionally as skipper or crew member


RYA Short Range Certificate online


Online course in preparation to your exam for obtaining your VHF GMDSS marine radio certificate



RYA CEVNI online test


Online test on rules of inland European waters required to validate your International Certificate of Competence.


or do you prefer a classroom course ?


For even more interaction with the instructor and contact with fellow students, we recommend to take a look at our shorebased classroom courses








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 C-MASTERS Training Centre Zeeland

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               4484 NV   Kortgene

               The Netherlands



 C-MASTERS Training Centre Zeeland

               Veerhaven 3

               4485 PL   Kats

               The Netherlands



 C-MASTERS Training Centre Belgian Coast


               6820   Nieuwpoort




 C-MASTERS Training Centre Brussels Region


               3090   Overijse





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