Strengthen your powerboat handling skills with one of these practical RYA courses


Select the category of your choice, or browse through all our C-MASTERS offerings available in the Netherlands.

2024 Activity
25 October
Powerboat Intermediate (PBINT-403)
ZEELAND - Two day course on 25 and 26 October
25 October
RYA Power Boat Advanced (PBA403)
ZEELAND - Two day course on 25 and 26 October
8 November
Powerboat Level 2 (PB2-406)
ZEELAND - Two day course on 8 and 9 November
29 November
RYA Power Boat Advanced (PBA404)
ZEELAND - Two day course on 29 and 30 November



Curious about our special offers for shorebased courses ?



RYA Essential Navigation course


Classroom course to study navigation and seamanship. Ideal when preparating for your RYA Powerboat Level 2 practical course.

RYA Radar Operator course




The only way to really learn using radar is by practice, practice and practice. Experience navigating and collision avoidance by a combination of theory and practicing on the radar simulator. Our RYA Radar course is available near Brussels and in Zeeland.

RYA SRC VHF Certificate course/exam


We offer the RYA Short Range Certificate VHF course and the SRC exam at our centres in Belgium and the Netherlands. 






Send us an email


 call us on +31851306426


 C-MASTERS Training Centre Zeeland

               Veerdam 3

               4484 NV   Kortgene

               The Netherlands



 C-MASTERS Training Centre Zeeland

               Veerhaven 3

               4485 PL   Kats

               The Netherlands



 C-MASTERS Training Centre Belgian Coast


               6820   Nieuwpoort




 C-MASTERS Training Centre Brussels Region


               3090   Overijse





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  C-MASTERS International

               Chemin du cheval de bois

               1380   Lasne





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