At C-MASTERS, we have created a selection of 'must do' courses. After several years of providing training we know which topics and skills are considered complex by students. Most of these topics are covered in the RYA shorebased courses and in practical courses. However, a more intensive training is needed to become a confident skipper.

A typical skill where students experience a huge difference between shorebased theory and practical use on board is celestial navigation. Taking sights with a sextant, calculating and determining the position on a chart are relaxing in a comfortable classroom. However, the same exercise on a moving boat becomes a lot more intensive.

This course is a 'must do' for skippers and navigators, who wish to learn fixing their position using celestial navigation while sailing offshore.




MASTERCLASS : Practical Celestial Navigation 


Course content

The course is offered as a two-day or four-day training on board of a C-MASTERS yacht.

  • Preparing and executing a passage plan and routing plan
  • Taking sights with a sextant
  • Using a nautical almanac and sight reduction tables
  • Calculating and plotting estimated lines of position, and position fixes
  • Sailing during daytime and night-time (four-day course)

Please note that this is not a theoretical course. You are expected to already have a basis theoretical knowledge on celestial navigation.


What's included

  • Accommodation on board of a C-MASTERS yacht
  • Training and coaching by a Yachtmaster Ocean Instructor
  • Food and drinks on board
  • Fuel and mooring fees
  • Free parking at our premises


Supporting courses

The RYA Yachtmaster Ocean shorebased certificate is highly recommended for this practical course.



Details of this course

Required knowledge: On the level of RYA Yachtmaster Ocean shorebased


Required experience: Experience in sailing offshore, during day and night. 


Duration: Either as 2 days, or as 4 days. 



  • please enquire for the next course dates



  • Two-day course      445 euro
  • Four-day course     890 euro




Overview of all our C-MASTERCLASSES



Navigation @ Night

zonsondergang-bij-egmontPractice your navigation skills during night passages - recognise buoys, light houses, harbour entrances and ships

Practical Radar Operator Training

radar-image-met-regenbui-frontCombined theory and practical course on using a radar for position finding, navigation and safety. A hands-on course to get the most out of your radar system

Passage Planning

passage-planning-2The key to avoiding nasty surprises when making a voyage is proper preparation, and it starts with learning how to do passage planning. Pragmatic course on preparing your crew and yacht for offshore voyages

Advanced Power Handling

dscn5799Combined practical course on relaxed motor handling in complex situations, and maintenance and repair of your diesel engine


Safety on board

safety-materials-on-boardPractical course to learn the key messures to improve the safety of your crew and yacht, covering the use of safety materials and emergency procedures (e.g. MOB) on board of a C-MASTERS yacht

Practical Celestial Navigation

practical-celestrial-navigationPractical offshore course on one of our C-MASTERS yachts on practicing taking sights using a sextant, and determining your position with celestial navigation






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 call us on +31851306426


 C-MASTERS Training Centre Zeeland

               Veerdam 3

               4484 NV   Kortgene

               The Netherlands



 C-MASTERS Training Centre Zeeland

               Veerhaven 3

               4485 PL   Kats

               The Netherlands



 C-MASTERS Training Centre Belgian Coast


               6820   Nieuwpoort




 C-MASTERS Training Centre Brussels Region


               3090   Overijse





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  C-MASTERS International

               Chemin du cheval de bois

               1380   Lasne





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