Our shorebased theory courses and some of our practical training activities are non-residantial. This means that we don't provide accommodation for an overnight stay. Luckely we are based in a fantastic area with plenty of affordable B&B's or hotels near our training location. Please find below a list of our suggestions of places to stay for a comfortable night sleep and an enjoyable meal.
Hotel De Zilte Zeeuw |
Hoofdstraat 36 Kortgene |
+31 113 301 020 |
Aparthotel Het Veerse Meer |
Weststraat 2 Kortgene |
+31 113 301 869 |
Hof van Maldegem |
Provincialeweg 8 Kortgene |
+31 6 2186 6925 |
Herberg Graaf van Buren |
Torendijk 4 Kortgene |
+31 6 3055 2298 |
Maan Bed & Breakfast |
Hoofdstraat 101 Kortgene |
+31 113 785 940 |
B&B Casa Martina |
Torendijk 90 Kortgene |
+31 6 2151 5891 |
Hotel Waterstate |
Westhavendijk 141 Goes |
+31 113 299450 |
Hotel Panorama |
Hengstenberg 77 Overijse |
+31 2 687 71 98 |
Hotel Soret |
Kapucijnendreef 1 Overijse |
+32 2 657 37 82 |
Green Hill guesthouse |
Ogentroostlaan 16 Overijse |
+ 32 477 28 00 27 |
C-MASTERS Training Centre Zeeland
Veerdam 3
4484 NV Kortgene
The Netherlands
C-MASTERS Training Centre Belgian Coast
6820 Nieuwpoort
C-MASTERS Training Centre Brussels Region
3090 Overijse
C-MASTERS International
1380 Lasne
© Copyright C-MASTERS by Celstar BV 2025